Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?
Job 12:12

Our seniors are vital to the life and ministries of the church. From cookouts to conferences, from weekly studies to an annual Bible conference and from one day ventures to extended travel, our senior adults stay very active!
Senior Adult Activities
While many of our Sunday morning Bible study classes are open to senior adults, some are especially designed exclusively for them. We have a class that meets at 10 am, and is called the Pathfinders class.
During the year, the group will take several one-day adventures around Arkansas. These will range from the annual fall foliage tour to a night at Murry’s Dinner Playhouse. The group also takes one extended days trip each year. This year they made the journey to visit the replica of Noah’s Ark in Kentucky.
Throughout the year there are special events to join in. Some are annual events and others are surprises. The group annually enjoys a special cookout of ribs and all the “fixins”. They also enjoy the National Senior Adult Conference in Branson, Missouri each fall. Keep a watch on the calendar and look for special announcements for upcoming events!
Upcoming Events
Kids' Ministry
High School
Middle School
Preschool Calendar
Perspective College Ministry
Senior Adult Events
Upcoming Events
Kids' Ministry
High School
Middle School
Preschool Calendar
Perspective College Ministry
Senior Adult Events